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Sunday, December 3rd, 2017 - Furniture
 American Furniture Repair Animated Explainer Video For Furniture Repair Business American Furniture Repair

American Furniture Repair Animated Explainer Video For Furniture Repair Business American Furniture Repair

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As adjective

of or relating to the United States of America or its inhabitants:an American citizen

of or relating to North or South America; of the Western Hemisphere:the American continents

of or relating to the aboriginal Indians of North and South America, usually excluding the Eskimos, regarded as being of Asian ancestry and marked generally by reddish to brownish skin, black hair, dark eyes, and prominent cheekbones

As noun

a citizen of the United States of America

a native or inhabitant of the Western Hemisphere

an Indian of North or South America

American English

a steam locomotive having a four-wheeled front truck, four driving wheels, and no rear truck


As noun

the movable articles, as tables, chairs, desks or cabinets, required for use or ornament in a house, office, or the like

fittings, apparatus, or necessary accessories for something

equipment for streets and other public areas, as lighting standards, signs, benches, or litter bins

Also called bearer, dead metal


pieces of wood or metal, less than type high, set in and about pages of type to fill them out and hold the type in place in a chase


As verb (used with object)

to restore to a good or sound condition after decay or damage; mend:to repair a motor

to restore or renew by any process of making good, strengthening, etc

:to repair one's health by resting

to remedy; make good; make up for:to repair damage; to repair a deficiency

to make amends for; compensate:to repair a wrong done

As noun

an act, process, or work of repairing:to order the repair of a building

Usually, repairs

an instance or operation of repairing: to lay up a boat for repairs

a repaired part or an addition made in repairing: th-century repairs in brick are conspicuous in parts of the medieval stonework

repairs, (in bookkeeping, accounting, etc

) the part of maintenance expense that has been paid out to keep fixed assets in usable condition, as distinguished from amounts used for renewal or replacement

the good condition resulting from continued maintenance and repairing:to keep in repair

condition with respect to soundness and usability:a house in good repair

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