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Fix Bathroom Sink Leak

Saturday, December 16th, 2017 - Bathroom
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As verb (used with object), fixed or fixt, fixing

to repair; mend

to put in order or in good condition; adjust or arrrange:She fixed her hair in a bun

to make fast, firm, or stable

to place definitely and more or less permanently:to fix a circus poster to a wall

to settle definitely; determine:to fix a price

to direct (the eyes, the attention, etc

) steadily:His eyes were fixed on the distant ship

to attract and hold (the eye, the attention, etc


to make set or rigid

to put into permanent form

to put or place (responsibility, blame, etc

) on a person

to assign or refer to a definite place, time, etc

to provide or supply with (something needed or wanted):How are you fixed for money?


to arrange or influence the outcome or action of, especially privately or dishonestly:to fix a jury; to fix a game

to get (a meal); prepare (food):What time shall I fix supper?


to put in a condition or position to make no further trouble


to get even with; get revenge upon:I'll fix him!


to castrate or spay (an animal, especially a pet)


to make stable in consistency or condition; reduce from fluidity or volatility to a more stable state

to convert atmospheric nitrogen into a useful compound, as a nitrate fertilizer


to render (an image) permanent by removing light-sensitive silver halides


to kill, make rigid, and preserve for microscopic study

As verb (used without object), fixed or fixt, fixing

to become fixed

to become set; assume a rigid or solid form

to become stable or permanent

to settle down


to inject oneself with a narcotic

Chiefly Southern U


to prepare; plan (usually followed by an infinitive):I was just fixing to call you

We're fixing to go to Colorado this summer

As noun


a position from which it is difficult to escape; predicament


a repair, adjustment, or solution, usually of an immediate nature:Can you think of a fix for the problem?


a charted position of a vessel or aircraft, determined by two or more bearings taken on landmarks, heavenly bod-ies, etc

the determining of the position of a ship, plane, etc

, by mathematical, electronic, or other means: The navigator took a fix on the sun and steered the ship due north

a clear determination:Can you get a fix on what he really means?


an injection of heroin or other narcotic

the narcotic or amount of narcotic injected

a compulsively sought dose or infusion of something: to need one's daily fix of soap operas on TV


an underhand or illegal arrangement, especially one secured through bribery or influence

a contest, situation, etc

, whose outcome is prearranged dishonestly

As Verb phrases

fix on/upon, to decide on; determine:We won't be able to fix on a location for the banquet until we know the number of guests

fix up, Informal

to arrange for: to fix up a date

to provide with; furnish

to repair; renew

to smooth over; solve: They weren't able to fix up their differences

As Idioms

fix one's wagon, Informal

to exact retribution for an offense; treat someone vengefully:I'll dock his pay and that will fix his wagon

in a fix, Older Slang



As noun

a room equipped for taking a bath or shower

toilet (def )

As Idioms

go to / use the bathroom, to use the toilet; urinate or defecate


As verb (used without object), sank or, often sunk; sunk or sunken; sinking

to displace part of the volume of a supporting substance or object and become totally or partially submerged or enveloped; fall or descend into or below the surface or to the bottom (often followed by in or into):The battleship sank within two hours

His foot sank in the mud

Her head sinks into the pillows

to fall, drop, or descend gradually to a lower level:The river sank two feet during the dry spell

to settle or fall gradually, as a heavy structure:The tower is slowly sinking

to fall or collapse slowly from weakness, fatigue, distress, etc

:He gasped and sank to his knees

to slope downward; dip:The field sinks toward the highway

to go down toward or below the horizon:the sun sinks in the west

to penetrate, permeate, or seep (usually followed by in or into):Wipe the oil off before it sinks into the wood

to become engulfed or absorbed in or gradually to enter a state (usually followed by in or into):to sink into slumber

to be or become deeply absorbed or involved in a mood or mental state (usually followed by in or into):sunk in thought

She sank into despair

to pass or fall into some lower state, as of fortune, estimation, etc

; degenerate:to sink into poverty

to decline or deteriorate in quality or worth

to fail in physical strength or health

to decrease in amount, extent, intensity, etc

:The temperature sank to ° at noon

to become lower in volume, tone, or pitch:Her voice sank to a whisper

to enter or permeate the mind; become known or understood (usually followed by in or into):He said it four times before the words really sank in

to become concave; become hollow, as the cheeks

to drop or fall gradually into a lower position:He sank down on the bench

As verb (used with object), sank or, often sunk; sunk or sunken; sinking

to cause to become submerged or enveloped; force into or below the surface; cause to plunge in or down:The submarine sank the battleship

He sank his fist into the pillow

to cause to fall, drop, or descend gradually

to cause to penetrate:to sink an ax into a tree trunk

to lower or depress the level of:They sank the roadway by five feet

to bury, plant, or lay (a pipe, conduit, etc

) into or as if into the ground

to dig, bore, or excavate (a hole, shaft, well, etc


to bring to a worse or lower state or status

to bring to utter ruin or collapse:Drinking and gambling sank him completely

to reduce in amount, extent, intensity, etc

to lower in volume, tone, or pitch

to suppress; ignore; omit

to invest in the hope of making a profit or gaining some other return:He sank all his efforts into the business

to lose (money) in an unfortunate investment, enterprise, etc


to throw, shoot, hit, or propel (a ball) so that it goes through or into the basket, hole, pocket, etc

: She sank the ball into the side pocket

to execute (a stroke or throw) so that the ball goes through or into the basket, hole, pocket, etc

: to sink a putt; to sink a free throw

As noun

a basin or receptacle, as in a kitchen or laundry, usually connected with a water supply and drainage system, for washing dishes, clothing, etc

a low-lying, poorly drained area where waters collect and sink into the ground or evaporate

sinkhole (def )

a place of vice or corruption

a drain or sewer

a device or place for disposing of energy within a system, as a power-consuming device in an electrical circuit or a condenser in a steam engine

any pond or pit for sewage or waste, as a cesspool or a pool for industrial wastes

any natural process by which contaminants are removed from the atmosphere

As Idioms

sink one's teeth into, to bite deeply or vigorously

to do or enter into with great enthusiasm, concentration, conviction, etc

: to sink my teeth into solving the problem


As noun

an unintended hole, crack, or the like, through which liquid, gas, light, etc

, enters or escapes:a leak in the roof

an act or instance of leaking

any means of unintended entrance or escape


the loss of current from a conductor, usually resulting from poor insulation

a disclosure of secret, especially official, information, as to the news media, by an unnamed source

As verb (used without object)

to let a liquid, gas, light, etc

, enter or escape, as through an unintended hole or crack:The boat leaks

to pass in or out in this manner, as liquid, gas, or light:gas leaking from a pipe

to become known unintentionally (usually followed by out):The news leaked out

to disclose secret, especially official, information anonymously, as to the news media:The official revealed that he had leaked to the press in the hope of saving his own reputation

As verb (used with object)

to let (liquid, gas, light, etc

) enter or escape:This camera leaks light

to allow to become known, as information given out covertly:to leak the news of the ambassador's visit

As Idioms

take a leak, Slang: Vulgar

to urinate

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