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How To Make A Bedroom Into A Walk In Closet

Thursday, November 30th, 2017 - Bedroom
Beautiful How To Make A Bedroom Into A Walk In Closet How To Turn A Bedroom Into A Closet | Turn The Gradu0027s Old Room Into A

Beautiful How To Make A Bedroom Into A Walk In Closet How To Turn A Bedroom Into A Closet | Turn The Gradu0027s Old Room Into A

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As adverb

in what way or manner; by what means?:How did the accident happen?

to what extent, degree, etc

?:How damaged is the car?

in what state or condition?:How are you?

for what reason; why?:How can you talk such nonsense?

to what effect; with what meaning?:How is one to interpret his action?

what?:How do you mean? If they don't have vanilla, how about chocolate?

(used as an intensifier):How seldom I go there!

by what title or name?:How does one address the president?

at what price:How are the new cars going, cheaper than last year's models?

by what amount or in what measure or quantity?:How do you sell these tomatoes?

in what form or shape?:How does the demon appear in the first act of the opera? How does the medication come?

As conjunction

the manner or way in which:He couldn't figure out how to solve the problem

about the manner, condition, or way in which:I don't care how you leave your desk when you go

Be careful how you act

in whatever manner or way; however:You can travel how you please


that:He told us how he was honest and could be trusted

As noun

a question concerning the way or manner in which something is done, achieved, etc

:a child's unending whys and hows

a way or manner of doing something:to consider all the hows and wherefores

a word formerly used in communications to represent the letter H

As Idioms

and how!, Informal

certainly! you bet!:Am I happy? And how!

Here's how, Informal

(used as a toast)

how come?, Informal

how is it that? why?:How come you never visit us anymore?

how so?, how does it happen to be so? why?:You haven't any desire to go? How so?


As preposition

(used for expressing motion or direction toward a point, person, place, or thing approached and reached, as opposed to from):They came to the house

(used for expressing direction or motion or direction toward something) in the direction of; toward:from north to south

(used for expressing limit of movement or extension):He grew to six feet

(used for expressing contact or contiguity) on; against; beside; upon:a right uppercut to the jaw; Apply varnish to the surface

(used for expressing a point of limit in time) before; until:to this day; It is ten minutes to six

We work from nine to five

(used for expressing aim, purpose, or intention):going to the rescue

(used for expressing destination or appointed end):sentenced to jail

(used for expressing agency, result, or consequence):to my dismay; The flowers opened to the sun

(used for expressing a resulting state or condition):He tore it to pieces

(used for expressing the object of inclination or desire):They drank to her health

(used for expressing the object of a right or claim):claimants to an estate

(used for expressing limit in degree, condition, or amount):wet to the skin; goods amounting to $; Tomorrow's high will be to °

(used for expressing addition or accompaniment) with:He added insult to injury

They danced to the music

Where is the top to this box?

(used for expressing attachment or adherence):She held to her opinion

(used for expressing comparison or opposition):inferior to last year's crop; The score is eight to seven

(used for expressing agreement or accordance) according to; by:a position to one's liking; to the best of my knowledge

(used for expressing reference, reaction, or relation):What will he say to this?

(used for expressing a relative position):parallel to the roof

(used for expressing a proportion of number or quantity) in; making up: to the dozen; miles to the gallon

(used for indicating the indirect object of a verb, for connecting a verb with its complement, or for indicating or limiting the application of an adjective, noun, or pronoun):Give it to me

I refer to your work

(used as the ordinary sign or accompaniment of the infinitive, as in expressing motion, direction, or purpose, in ordinary uses with a substantive object



raised to the power indicated:Three to the fourth is ( = )

As adverb

toward a point, person, place, or thing, implied or understood

toward a contact point or closed position:Pull the door to

toward a matter, action, or work:We turned to with a will

into a state of consciousness; out of unconsciousness:after he came to

As Idioms

to and fro

fro (def )


As verb (used with object), made, making

to bring into existence by shaping or changing material, combining parts, etc

:to make a dress; to make a channel; to make a work of art

to produce; cause to exist or happen; bring about:to make trouble; to make war

to cause to be or become; render:to make someone happy

to appoint or name:The president made her his special envoy

to put in the proper condition or state, as for use; fix; prepare:to make a bed; to make dinner

to bring into a certain form:to make bricks out of clay

to convert from one state, condition, category, etc

, to another:to make a virtue of one's vices

to cause, induce, or compel:to make a horse jump a barrier

to give rise to; occasion:It's not worth making a fuss over such a trifle

to produce, earn, or win for oneself:to make a good salary; to make one's fortune in oil

to write or compose:to make a short poem for the occasion

to draw up, as a legal document; draft:to make a will

to do; effect:to make a bargain

to establish or enact; put into existence:to make laws

to become by development; prove to be:You'll make a good lawyer

to form in the mind, as a judgment or estimate:to make a decision

to judge or interpret, as to the truth, nature, meaning, etc

(often followed by of):What do you make of it?

to estimate; reckon:to make the distance at ten miles

to bring together separate parts so as to produce a whole; compose; form:to make a matched set

to amount to; bring up the total to:Two plus two makes four

That makes an even dozen

to serve as:to make good reading

to be sufficient to constitute:One story does not make a writer

to be adequate or suitable for:This wool will make a warm sweater

to assure the success or fortune of:a deal that could make or break him; Seeing her made my day

to deliver, utter, or put forth:to make a stirring speech

to go or travel at a particular speed:to make miles an hour

to arrive at or reach; attain:The ship made port on Friday

Do you think he'll make ?

to arrive in time for:to make the first show

to arrive in time to be a passenger on (a plane, boat, bus, train, etc

):If you hurry, you can make the next flight


to gain or acquire a position within:He made the big time

to receive mention or appear in or on:The robbery made the front page

to gain recognition or honor by winning a place or being chosen for inclusion in or on:The novel made the bestseller list

He made the all-American team three years in a row


to have sexual intercourse with


to name (the trump)

to take a trick with (a card)


to fulfill or achieve (a contract or bid)

to shuffle (the cards)

to earn, as a score:The team made points in the first half


to recognize or identify: Any cop in town will make you as soon as you walk down the street

to charge or cause to be charged with a crime: The police expect to make a couple of suspects soon

to close (an electric circuit)

South Midland and Southern U


to plant and cultivate or produce (a crop):He makes some of the best corn in the country

As verb (used without object), made, making

to cause oneself, or something understood, to be as specified:to make sure

to show oneself to be or seem in action or behavior (usually followed by an adjective):to make merry

to be made, as specified:This fabric makes up into beautiful drapes

to move or proceed in a particular direction:They made after the thief

to rise, as the tide or water in a ship

South Midland and Southern U


(of a crop) to grow, develop, or mature:It looks like the corn's going to make pretty good this year

make down, Chiefly Pennsylvania German

to rain or snow:It's making down hard

make fast, Chiefly Nautical

to fasten or secure

make shut, Chiefly Pennsylvania German

to close:Make the door shut

As noun

the style or manner in which something is made; form; build

production with reference to the manufacturer; brand:our own make

disposition; character; nature

the act or process of making

quantity made; output


the act of naming the trump, or the suit named as trump


the closing of an electric circuit


the excellence of a polished diamond with regard to proportion, symmetry, and finish


identifying information about a person or thing from police records:He radioed headquarters for a make on the car's license plate

As Verb phrases

make out, to write out or complete, as a bill or check

to establish; prove

to decipher; discern

to imply, suggest, or impute: He made me out to be a liar

to manage; succeed: How are you making out in your new job? Slang

to engage in kissing and caressing; neck


to have sexual intercourse

Chiefly Pennsylvania German

to turn off or extinguish (especially a light or fire): Make the light out

make over, to remodel; alter: to make over a dress; to make over a page layout

to transfer the title of (property); convey: After she retired she made over her property to her children and moved to Florida

make for, to go toward; approach: to make for home

to lunge at; attack

to help to promote or maintain: This incident will not make for better understanding between the warring factions

make off, to run away; depart hastily: The only witness to the accident made off before the police arrived


to stand off from a coast, especially a lee shore

make off with, to carry away; steal:While the family was away, thieves made off with most of their valuables

make on, Chiefly Pennsylvania German

to turn on, light, or ignite (especially a light or fire):Make the light on

make up, (of parts) to constitute; compose; form

to put together; construct; compile

to concoct; invent

Also, make up for

to compensate for; make good

to complete

to put in order; arrange: The maid will make up the room

to conclude; decide

to settle amicably, as differences

to become reconciled, as after a quarrel


to arrange set type, illustrations, etc

, into columns or pages

to dress in appropriate costume and apply cosmetics for a part on the stage

to apply cosmetics

to adjust or balance, as accounts; prepare, as statements


to repeat (a course or examination that one has failed)


to take an examination that one had been unable to take when first given, usually because of absence

to specify and indicate the layout or arrangement of (columns, pages, etc

, of matter to be printed)

Atlantic States

(of the weather or clouds) to develop or gather: It's making up for a storm

Atlantic States

(of the sea) to become turbulent: If the sea makes up, row toward land

make up to, Informal

to try to become friendly with; fawn on

to make advances to; flirt with: He makes up to every new woman in the office

As Idioms

make a play for, to try to get:He made a play for his brother's girlfriend

They made a play for control of the company's stock

make as if / as though, Informal

to act as if; pretend:We will make as if to leave, then come back and surprise him

make away with, to steal: The clerk made away with the cash and checks

to destroy; kill: He made away with his enemies

to get rid of

to consume, drink, or eat completely: The boys made away with the contents of the refrigerator

make believe, to pretend; imagine:The little girl dressed in a sheet and made believe she was a ghost

make (so) bold, to have the temerity; be so rash; dare:May I make so bold as to suggest that you stand when they enter?

make book, Slang

to take bets and give odds

to make a business of this

make colors, Nautical

to hoist an ensign, as on board a warship

make do, to function, manage, or operate, usually on a deprivation level with minimal requirements:During the war we had no butter or coffee, so we had to make do without them

make good, to provide restitution or reparation for: The bank teller made good the shortage and was given a light sentence

to succeed: Talent and training are necessary to make good in some fields

to fulfill: He made good on his promise


to compute (a course) allowing for leeway and compass deviation

make heavy weather, Nautical

to roll and pitch in heavy seas

to progress laboriously; struggle, especially to struggle needlessly: I am making heavy weather with my income tax return

make it, Informal

to achieve a specific goal: to make it to the train; to make it through college


to succeed in general: He'll never make it in business


to have sexual intercourse

make it so, Nautical

strike the ship's bell accordingly: said by the officer of the watch when the hour is announced

make like, Informal

to try or pretend to be like; imitate:I'm going to go out and make like a gardener

make one's manners, Southern U


to perform an appropriate or expected social courtesy

Older Use

to bow or curtsy

make sail, Nautical

to set sails

to brace the yards of a ship that has been hove to in order to make headway

make time

time (def )

make water, to urinate


(of a hull) to leak

make with, Slang

to operate; use: Let's make with the feet

to bring about; provide or produce: He makes with the big ideas, but can't follow through

on the make, Informal

seeking to improve one's social or financial position, usually at the expense of others or of principle

increasing; advancing


seeking amorous or sexual relations: The park was swarming with sailors on the make

put the make on, Slang

to make sexual overtures to


As noun, plural A's or As, a's or as

the first letter of the English alphabet, a vowel

any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small

something having the shape of an A

a written or printed representation of the letter A or a

a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter A or a

As Idioms

from A to Z, from beginning to end; thoroughly; completely:He knows the Bible from A to Z

not know from A to B, to know nothing; be ignorant



As noun

a room furnished and used for sleeping

As adjective

concerned mainly with love affairs or sex:The movie is a typical bedroom comedy

sexually inviting; amorous:bedroom eyes

inhabited largely by commuters:a bedroom community


As preposition

to the inside of; in toward:He walked into the room

The train chugged into the station

toward or in the direction of:going into town

to a point of contact with; against:backed into a parked car

(used to indicate insertion or immersion in):plugged into the socket

(used to indicate entry, inclusion, or introduction in a place or condition):received into the church

to the state, condition, or form assumed or brought about:went into shock; lapsed into disrepair; translated into another language

to the occupation, action, possession, circumstance, or acceptance of:went into banking; coerced into complying

(used to indicate a continuing extent in time or space):lasted into the night; far into the distance

(used to indicate the number to be divided by another number): into equals


interested or absorbed in, especially obsessively:She's into yoga and gardening


in debt to:I'm into him for ten dollars

As adjective


pertaining to a function or map from one set to another set, the range of which is a proper subset of the second set, as the function f, from the set of all integers into the set of all perfect squares where f (x) = x for every integer


As noun, plural A's or As, a's or as

the first letter of the English alphabet, a vowel

any spoken sound represented by the letter A or a, as in bake, hat, father, or small

something having the shape of an A

a written or printed representation of the letter A or a

a device, as a printer's type, for reproducing the letter A or a

As Idioms

from A to Z, from beginning to end; thoroughly; completely:He knows the Bible from A to Z

not know from A to B, to know nothing; be ignorant



As verb (used without object)

to advance or travel on foot at a moderate speed or pace; proceed by steps; move by advancing the feet alternately so that there is always one foot on the ground in bipedal locomotion and two or more feet on the ground in quadrupedal locomotion

to move about or travel on foot for exercise or pleasure:We can walk in the park after lunch

(of things) to move in a manner suggestive of walking, as through repeated vibrations or the effect of alternate expansion and contraction:He typed so hard that the lamp walked right off the desk


to receive a base on balls


to go on strike; stage a walkout: The miners will walk unless they get a pay raise

to be acquitted or to be released or fined rather than sentenced to jail: If the prosecutor doesn't present his case well, the murderer may walk

to go about on the earth, or appear to living persons, as a ghost:to believe that spirits walk at night

(of a tool, pointer, or pen of a recording device, etc

) to glide, slip, or move from a straight course, fixed position, or the like:A regular drill bit may walk on a plastic surface when you first try to make a hole

When the earthquake started, the pen on the seismograph walked all over the paper

to conduct oneself in a particular manner; pursue a particular course of life:to walk humbly with thy God


(of a player in possession of the ball) to take more than two steps without dribbling or passing the ball


to be in motion or action

As verb (used with object)

to proceed through, over, or upon at a moderate pace on foot:walking London streets by night; walking the floor all night

to cause to walk; lead, drive, or ride at a walk, as an animal:We walked our horses the last quarter of a mile

to force or help to walk, as a person:They were walking him around the room soon after his operation

to conduct or accompany on a walk:He walked them about the park

to move (a box, trunk, or other object) in a manner suggestive of walking, as by a rocking motion


(of a pitcher) to give a base on balls to (a batter)

to spend or pass (time) in walking (often followed by away):We walked the morning away along the beach

to cause or accomplish by walking:We saw them walking guard over the chain gang

to examine, measure, etc

, by traversing on foot:to walk a track; to walk the boundaries of the property


to advance (the ball) by taking more than two steps without dribbling or passing


to send (a person who has a reservation at a hotel) to another hotel because of overbooking:It's exasperating to find yourself walked when you arrive at a hotel late in the evening

As noun

an act or instance of walking or going on foot

a period of walking for exercise or pleasure:to go for a walk

a distance walked or to be walked, often in terms of the time required:not more than ten minutes' walk from town

the gait or pace of a person or an animal that walks

a characteristic or individual manner of walking:It was impossible to mistake her walk

a department or branch of activity, or a particular line of work:They found every walk of life closed against them


base on balls

a path or way for pedestrians at the side of a street or road; sidewalk

a place prepared or set apart for walking

a path in a garden or the like

a passage between rows of trees

an enclosed yard, pen, or the like where domestic animals are fed and left to exercise

the walk, race walking

a sheepwalk

a ropewalk

(in the West Indies) a plantation of trees, especially coffee trees

a group, company, or congregation, especially of snipes


the route of a street vendor, tradesman, or the like

the district or area in which such a route is located

a tract of forest land under the charge of one forester or keeper


manner of behavior; conduct; course of life


a haunt or resort

As Verb phrases

walk off, to get rid of by walking:to walk off a headache

walk off with, to remove illegally; steal

to win or attain, as in a competition: to walk off with the first prize for flower arrangements

to surpass one's competitors; win easily: to walk off with the fight

walk out, to go on strike

to leave in protest: to walk out of a committee meeting

walk out on, to leave unceremoniously; desert; forsake:to walk out on one's family

walk out with, British

to court or be courted by:Cook is walking out with the chauffeur

walk through, Theater, Television

to release (a play) by combining a reading aloud of the lines with the designated physical movements


to perform (a role, play, etc

) in a perfunctory manner

to make little or no effort in performing one's role: He didn't like the script and walked through his part

walk up, (of a hunter) to flush (game) by approaching noisily on foot and often with hunting dogs

As Idioms

take a walk, Informal

to leave, especially abruptly and without any intention or prospect of returning (often used imperatively to indicate dismissal):If he doesn't get his way, he takes a walk

I don't need your advice, so take a walk

walk (someone) through, to guide or instruct carefully one step at a time:The teacher will walk the class through the entire testing procedure before the real test begins

walk Spanish, to be forced by another to walk on tiptoe

to walk cautiously

to be discharged or dismissed

to discharge or dismiss (someone)

walk the plank

plank (def )


As preposition

(used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits):walking in the park

(used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial):in politics; in the autumn

(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time):in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes

(used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc

):to speak in a whisper; to be similar in appearance

(used to indicate means):sketched in ink; spoken in French

(used to indicate motion or direction from outside to a point within) into:Let's go in the house

(used to indicate transition from one state to another):to break in half

(used to indicate object or purpose):speaking in honor of the event

As adverb

in or into some place, position, state, relation, etc

:Please come in

on the inside; within

in one's house or office

in office or power

in possession or occupancy

having the turn to play, as in a game


(of an infielder or outfielder) in a position closer to home plate than usual; short:The third baseman played in, expecting a bunt

on good terms; in favor:He's in with his boss, but he doubts it will last

in vogue; in style:He says straw hats will be in this year

in season:Watermelons will soon be in

As adjective

located or situated within; inner; internal:the in part of a mechanism


in favor with advanced or sophisticated people; fashionable; stylish: the in place to dine; Her new novel is the in book to read this summer

comprehensible only to a special or ultrasophisticated group: an in joke

well-liked; included in a favored group

inward; incoming; inbound:an in train

plentiful; available

being in power, authority, control, etc

:a member of the in party

playing the last nine holes of an eighteen-hole golf course (opposed to out):His in score on the second round was

As noun

Usually, ins

persons in office or political power (distinguished from outs)

a member of the political party in power:The election made him an in

pull or influence; a social advantage or connection:He's got an in with the senator

(in tennis, squash, handball, etc

) a return or service that lands within the in-bounds limits of a court or section of a court (opposed to out)

As verb (used with object), inned, inning

British Dialect

to enclose

As Idioms

be in for, to be bound to undergo something, especially a disagreeable experience:We are in for a long speech

in for it, Slang

about to suffer chastisement or unpleasant consequences, especially of one's own actions or omissions:I forgot our anniversary again, and I'll be in for it now

Also, British, for it

in that, because; inasmuch as:In that you won't have time for supper, let me give you something now

in with, on friendly terms with; familiar or associating with:They are in with all the important people


As noun

a small room, enclosed recess, or cabinet for storing clothing, food, utensils, etc

a small private room, especially one used for prayer, meditation, etc

a state or condition of secrecy or carefully guarded privacy:Some conservatives remain in the closet except on election day

Gay liberation has encouraged many gay people to come out of the closet

water closet

As adjective

private; secluded

suited for use or enjoyment in privacy:closet reflections; closet prayer

engaged in private study or speculation; speculative; unpractical:a closet thinker with no practical experience

being or functioning as such in private; secret:a closet anarchist

As verb (used with object)

to shut up in a private room for a conference, interview, etc

(usually used in the passive voice):The secretary of state was closeted with the senator for three hours in a tense session

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