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Lime Green Chairs

Monday, December 25th, 2017 - Home Design
 Lime Green Chairs Chairs, Lime Green Chairs Wingback Chair Modern Design Egg Chair Nest: Interesting Lime Green

Lime Green Chairs Chairs, Lime Green Chairs Wingback Chair Modern Design Egg Chair Nest: Interesting Lime Green

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As noun

Also called burnt lime, calcium oxide, caustic lime, calx, quicklime

a white or grayish-white, odorless, lumpy, very slightly water-soluble solid, CaO, that when combined with water forms calcium hydroxide (slaked lime) obtained from calcium carbonate, limestone, or oyster shells: used chiefly in mortars, plasters, and cements, in bleaching powder, and in the manufacture of steel, paper, glass, and various chemicals of calcium

a calcium compound for improving crops grown in soils deficient in lime


As verb (used with object), limed, liming

to treat (soil) with lime or compounds of calcium

to smear (twigs, branches, etc

) with birdlime

to catch with or as if with birdlime

to paint or cover (a surface) with a composition of lime and water; whitewash:The government buildings were freshly limed


As adjective, greener, greenest

of the color of growing foliage, between yellow and blue in the spectrum:green leaves

covered with herbage or foliage; verdant:green fields

characterized by the presence of verdure

made of green vegetables, as lettuce, spinach, endive, or chicory:a green salad

not fully developed or perfected in growth or condition; unripe; not properly aged:This peach is still green

unseasoned; not dried or cured:green lumber

immature in age or judgment; untrained; inexperienced:a green worker

simple; unsophisticated; gullible; easily fooled

fresh, recent, or new:an insult still green in his mind

having a sickly appearance; pale; wan:green with fear; green with envy

full of life and vigor; young:a man ripe in years but green in heart

environmentally sound or beneficial:green computers

(of wine) having a flavor that is raw, harsh, and acid, due especially to a lack of maturity

freshly slaughtered or still raw:green meat

not fired, as bricks or pottery

(of cement or mortar) freshly set and not completely hardened


(of sand) sufficiently moist to form a compact lining for a mold without further treatment

(of a casting) as it comes from the mold

(of a powder, in powder metallurgy) unsintered

As noun

a color intermediate in the spectrum between yellow and blue, an effect of light with a wavelength between and nm; found in nature as the color of most grasses and leaves while growing, of some fruits while ripening, and of the sea


a secondary color that has been formed by the mixture of blue and yellow pigments

green coloring matter, as paint or dye

green material or clothing:to be dressed in green


fresh leaves or branches of trees, shrubs, etc

, used for decoration; wreaths

the leaves and stems of plants, as spinach, lettuce, or cabbage, used for food

a blue-green uniform of the U



grassy land; a plot of grassy ground

a piece of grassy ground constituting a town or village common

Also called putting green


the area of closely cropped grass surrounding each hole

bowling green

a shooting range for archery


green light (def )


money; greenbacks (usually preceded by the):I'd like to buy a new car but I don't have the green

(initial capital letter) a member of the Green party (in Germany)

As verb (used with or without object)

to become or make green


to restore the vitality of:Younger executives are greening corporate managements

As Idioms

read the green, to inspect a golf green, analyzing its slope and surface, so as to determine the difficulties to be encountered when putting


As noun

a seat, especially for one person, usually having four legs for support and a rest for the back and often having rests for the arms

something that serves as a chair or supports like a chair:The two men clasped hands to make a chair for their injured companion

a seat of office or authority

a position of authority, as of a judge, professor, etc

the person occupying a seat of office, especially the chairperson of a meeting:The speaker addressed the chair

(in an orchestra) the position of a player, assigned by rank; desk:first clarinet chair

the chair, Informal

electric chair


sedan chair

(in reinforced-concrete construction) a device for maintaining the position of reinforcing rods or strands during the pouring operation

a glassmaker's bench having extended arms on which a blowpipe is rolled in shaping glass

British Railroads

a metal block for supporting a rail and securing it to a crosstie or the like

As verb (used with object)

to place or seat in a chair

to install in office

to preside over; act as chairperson of:to chair a committee


to carry (a hero or victor) aloft in triumph

As verb (used without object)

to preside over a meeting, committee, etc

As Idioms

get the chair, to be sentenced to die in the electric chair

take the chair, to begin or open a meeting

to preside at a meeting; act as chairperson

Superior Lime Green Chairs Chairs, Lime Green Chairs Accent Chair Pair Dinning Chairs Meodern Design: Interesting Lime Green

Superior Lime Green Chairs Chairs, Lime Green Chairs Accent Chair Pair Dinning Chairs Meodern Design: Interesting Lime Green

Good Lime Green Chairs T 5816 Modern Lime Green Metal Dining Chair

Good Lime Green Chairs T 5816 Modern Lime Green Metal Dining Chair

 Lime Green Chairs Amazon.com: Best Selling Napoli Lime Green Leather Chair: Kitchen U0026 Dining

Lime Green Chairs Amazon.com: Best Selling Napoli Lime Green Leather Chair: Kitchen U0026 Dining

 Lime Green Chairs SOLD Pair Of Vintage / Antique Channel Back Chairs In Apple Green Velvet With Medium Brown Wood Lime Green Grass Green Bright Green

Lime Green Chairs SOLD Pair Of Vintage / Antique Channel Back Chairs In Apple Green Velvet With Medium Brown Wood Lime Green Grass Green Bright Green

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Lime Green Chairs Photos Collection

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