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Track Lights In Kitchen

Saturday, December 23rd, 2017 - Kitchen
Attractive Track Lights In Kitchen 11 Stunning Photos Of Kitchen Track Lighting

Attractive Track Lights In Kitchen 11 Stunning Photos Of Kitchen Track Lighting

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As noun

a structure consisting of a pair of parallel lines of rails with their crossties, on which a railroad train, trolley, or the like runs

a wheel rut

evidence, as a mark or a series of marks, that something has passed

Usually, tracks

footprints or other marks left by an animal, person, or vehicle:a lion's tracks; car tracks

a path made or beaten by or as if by the feet of people or animals; trail:to follow the track of a murderer

a line of travel or motion:the track of a bird

a course or route followed

a course of action, conduct, or procedure:on the right track to solve the problem

a path or course made or laid out for some particular purpose

a series or sequence of events or ideas

something associated with making a track, as the wheel span of a vehicle or the tread of a tire

a caterpillar tread


a course laid out for running or racing

the group of sports performed on such a course, as running or hurdling, as distinguished from field events

both track and field events as a whole


a band of recorded sound laid along the length of a magnetic tape

band (def )

an individual song or segment of a recording: a title track

a discrete, separate recording that is combined with other parts of a musical recording to produce the final aural version: a special rhythm track added to the basic track


the distance between the centers of the treads of either the front or rear wheels of a vehicle


a data-recording path on a storage medium, as a magnetic disk, tape, or drum, that is accessible to a read-write head in a given position as the medium moves past

tracks, Slang

needle marks on the arm, leg, or body of a drug user caused by habitual injections

sound track

a metal strip or rail along which something, as lighting or a curtain, can be mounted or moved


a study program or level of curriculum to which a student is assigned on the basis of aptitude or need; academic course or path

As verb (used with object)

to follow or pursue the track, traces, or footprints of

to follow (a track, course, etc


to make one's way through; traverse

to leave footprints on (often followed by up or on):to track the floor with muddy shoes

to make a trail of footprints with (dirt, snow, or the like):The dog tracked mud all over the living room rug

to observe or monitor the course or path of (an aircraft, rocket, satellite, star, etc

), as by radar or radio signals

to observe or follow the course of progress of; keep track of

to furnish with a track or tracks, as for railroad trains


to have (a certain distance) between wheels, runners, rails, etc

As verb (used without object)

to follow or pursue a track or trail

to run in the same track, as the wheels of a vehicle

to be in alignment, as one gearwheel with another

to have a specified span between wheels or runners:The car's wheels track about five feet

Movies, Television

dolly (def )


to follow the undulations in the grooves of a phonograph record

As Verb phrases

track down, to pursue until caught or captured; follow:to track down a killer

As Idioms

in one's tracks, Informal

in the spot in which one is or is standing at the moment:He stopped dead in his tracks, listening for the sound to be repeated

keep track, to be aware; keep informed:Have you been keeping track of the time?

lose track, to fail to keep informed; neglect to keep a record:He soon lost track of how much money he had spent

make tracks, Informal

to go or depart in a hurry:to make tracks for the store before closing time

off the track, departing from the objective or the subject at hand; astray:He can't tell a story without getting off the track

on the track of, in search or pursuit of; close upon:They are on the track of a solution to the problem

on the wrong / right side of the tracks, from a poor or wealthy part of a community or of society:born on the wrong side of the tracks


As plural noun

the lungs, especially of sheep, pigs, etc


As preposition

(used to indicate inclusion within space, a place, or limits):walking in the park

(used to indicate inclusion within something abstract or immaterial):in politics; in the autumn

(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time):in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes

(used to indicate limitation or qualification, as of situation, condition, relation, manner, action, etc

):to speak in a whisper; to be similar in appearance

(used to indicate means):sketched in ink; spoken in French

(used to indicate motion or direction from outside to a point within) into:Let's go in the house

(used to indicate transition from one state to another):to break in half

(used to indicate object or purpose):speaking in honor of the event

As adverb

in or into some place, position, state, relation, etc

:Please come in

on the inside; within

in one's house or office

in office or power

in possession or occupancy

having the turn to play, as in a game


(of an infielder or outfielder) in a position closer to home plate than usual; short:The third baseman played in, expecting a bunt

on good terms; in favor:He's in with his boss, but he doubts it will last

in vogue; in style:He says straw hats will be in this year

in season:Watermelons will soon be in

As adjective

located or situated within; inner; internal:the in part of a mechanism


in favor with advanced or sophisticated people; fashionable; stylish: the in place to dine; Her new novel is the in book to read this summer

comprehensible only to a special or ultrasophisticated group: an in joke

well-liked; included in a favored group

inward; incoming; inbound:an in train

plentiful; available

being in power, authority, control, etc

:a member of the in party

playing the last nine holes of an eighteen-hole golf course (opposed to out):His in score on the second round was

As noun

Usually, ins

persons in office or political power (distinguished from outs)

a member of the political party in power:The election made him an in

pull or influence; a social advantage or connection:He's got an in with the senator

(in tennis, squash, handball, etc

) a return or service that lands within the in-bounds limits of a court or section of a court (opposed to out)

As verb (used with object), inned, inning

British Dialect

to enclose

As Idioms

be in for, to be bound to undergo something, especially a disagreeable experience:We are in for a long speech

in for it, Slang

about to suffer chastisement or unpleasant consequences, especially of one's own actions or omissions:I forgot our anniversary again, and I'll be in for it now

Also, British, for it

in that, because; inasmuch as:In that you won't have time for supper, let me give you something now

in with, on friendly terms with; familiar or associating with:They are in with all the important people


As noun

a room or place equipped for cooking

culinary department; cuisine:This restaurant has a fine Italian kitchen

the staff or equipment of a kitchen

As adjective

of, relating to, or designed for use in a kitchen:kitchen window; kitchen curtains

employed in or assigned to a kitchen:kitchen help

of or resembling a pidginized language, especially one used for communication between employers and servants or other employees who do not speak the same language

 Track Lights In Kitchen 11 Stunning Photos Of Kitchen Track Lighting

Track Lights In Kitchen 11 Stunning Photos Of Kitchen Track Lighting

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